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Patricia Hill Collins ‘Where Do We Go From Here? Intersectionality and Social Justice’ - Public Lect

Published: Wednesday, January 16, 2013

UCD Women's Studies invites you to a public lecture by Patricia Hill Collins entitled 'Where Do We Go From Here? Intersectionality and Social Justice.'

Prof. Hill Collins has won several awards for her work, and her most recent book 'On Intellectual Activism (2013),' draws on major themes, such as Black feminism, critical education, public sociology, racial politics and intellectual activism. She is currently working on a manuscript tentatively titled 'Intersectionality and the Politics of Knowledge.'

Come and join us for what promises to be an insightful and inspiring evening! The event is free, however, it is strictly RSVP only. Please email us at ucdintersect@gmail.com to reserve a place.

More information about the event on Facebook

Further details on Patricia Hill Collins

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